Why Istanbul, Proffessional Yet Affordable


Turkey is located in the top 10 countries for medical tourism in the world. It is also one of the countries that has the most publications in International Medical Literature and Istanbul is the city that attracts the majority of the medical tourism traffic of the country.
The services medical tourism guests receive are in medical facilities that are equipped with the latest and most advanced technology, with successful health care services that are offered by professional surgeons and doctors. Services of superior standards are offered on superior economical terms when compared to other countries.
Favourable exchange rates, government incentives for medical tourism, lower labour and healthcare costs, are the main reasons for the development of the medical care service that is more affordable, feasible and accessible in Istanbul.

Why Istanbul, Easy Access


Istanbul is the point where East meets West, it is the country that connects Europe to Asia. Thanks to its strategic location, it has become an international hub for travelers all over the world. Istanbul is also the gateway to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and to Central Asia.
Location of the city enables travelling in 3-5 hours from/to over 60 capital cities of the world. Istanbul’s flag carrier has the title of the airline that flies to the most countries in the world. With more than +120 countries and over +330 direct flights, everyone who wants to get healthcare, has easy access to transportation.
Moreover, positioned as a homeport, Galataport Istanbul has been providing a delightful experience for the guests who are interested in cruise travel since 2021. Galataport is a world-class cruise ship port that is set to vitalize cruise tourism across an extensive region from the Mediterranean basin to the Black Sea.

Why Istanbul, Qualified Medical Facilities & Staff


The qualified medical doctors and staff closely follow the international practice of medicine around the world after the training they receive in state and private universities in Turkey. Our plastic surgeon Dr. Erdem Aksoy and his team have an international patient experience of over 15 years and the proficiency to meet the needs of our guests in terms of foreign language.
Istanbul with its qualified medical facilities, healthful thermal establishments and global hotel chains, is one of the world’s most attractive medical tourist destinations with international standards for guest services.

Why Istanbul, Culture & Heritage


Being located on the Bosphorus peninsula between the Balkans and Anatolia, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, Istanbul has been associated with major political, religious and artistic events for more than 2,000 years. Due to its role as a bridge between two continents, the city has been enriched with a culture that melts eastern and western patterns in terms of arts, fashion and gastronomy for thousands of years.
Istanbul’s historic masterpieces include the ancient Hippodrome of Constantine, the 6th-century Hagia Sophia and the 16th-century Suleymaniye Mosque. Besides, Istanbul provides an authentic sight-seeing experience with its local shops, markets, museums, art galleries, events and restaurants, giving reference to Istanbul’s unique culture.

Why Istanbul, Four Seasons


The qualified medical doctors and staff closely follow the international practice of medicine around the world after the training they receive in state and private universities in Turkey. Our plastic surgeon Dr. Erdem Aksoy and his team have an international patient experience of over 15 years and the proficiency to meet the needs of our guests in terms of foreign language.
Istanbul with its qualified medical facilities, healthful thermal establishments and global hotel chains, is one of the world’s most attractive medical tourist destinations with international standards for guest services.



first class hospitals



FDA approved medical supplies



affordable and quality health services



direct touch with Dr. Aksoy & his team



transfers & accomodation inclusive



all operations taking place at the centrum